Poor Will accidentally opened Owen's jammies and was not pleased that Owen, in turn, got to open his.

The Night Before Christmas...after a grueling round of wrapping presents, everything was set up under the tree, waiting for eager little children (and a couple eager teens) to wake...

Awake at last and opening stockings...

What did Santa bring?
A play structure for Ben...

Are you excited Ben?

A Nintendo DS for Austen and Owen...

A Leapster and Power Ranger for Will...

A bed for Jack...

The BEST gift of all...a visit from Uncle Bri-Bri

And what does Phoebe think of all the mayhem?

After all the gifts were opened and Toy-R-Us officially threw up in my house, we had breakfast, some of us got dressed while others chose to spend the day in their jammies (I included) and we headed off to Grandma's house for another deluge of gifts.

It was a wonderful Christmas spent with family, too much snow, a ton of food, and too many awesome gifts to count. We look forward now to a new year of hope and exciting things to come.