Monday, April 13, 2009

Sugar Fest 2009

We aren't ones to celebrate Easter for it's intended meaning (we're such HEATHENS!!!!). For us it's all about the sugar...candy,cookies,cupcakes. Mmmm...all GOOD! I'm a sugar addict, I'll admit it. This is one happy mama when a basket of peeps is placed in front of her (and my dentist thanks me for keeping him in business.) The boys and I colored eggs on Saturday and I made my version of Bakerella's Easter basket cupcakes. On Sunday, the boys woke to sand buckets full of goodies: bug catchers, beach balls, bubbles, puzzles and candies, of course. The day was spent eating way too much at Grandma's house (where Grandma presented each of us with some toys and treats including a gigantic basket of candy) and an indoor Easter egg hunt. The day ended with a soaking of all the boys' dress shirts, which were covered in strawberries, chocolate, and a myriad of Easter candy colors.

The Cupcakes

The Cuties

The Candy (from Grandma)

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